We slept in today until 10 AM, then ran errands like searching for a place to have our laundry done and seeking out Band-Aids to protect Robin's heels. We enjoyed a tasty lunch buffet, took it easy, napped, read, and blogged. In the late afternoon, we got the proverbial "wild hair," recalling that we are on VacAsian with a lot to do and not nearly enough time to do it all, and dressed for afternoon tea.
We returned to the hotel and went to pick up our laundry. On the way back, an historical event took place: for the first time in 15 years, Huey got a professional haircut.
Since 1993, while he was in law school in Chapel Hill, Huey has cut his own hair. (Many of you are probably nodding your heads now, thinking "Well THAT explains it!") About every two weeks, he takes out his electric clippers and shears off his ebony locks, resulting in the ultra-simple do with which those who have met Huey are likely familiar. This, however, being Day Twenty Two, well... remember young Gary Coleman? In any case, the "stylist" (Huey was actually asked if he wanted a "cut and shampoo") didn't do as good a job as Huey does himself, but Huey is now proud to boast that he has spent a grand total of US $20 on haircuts in the last 15 years (and his highlights look fantastic!).
We bought a lot of stuff. A LOT. (We're really good to our family and friends.)
Back in the room, Huey called one of his goddaughters, Haley Ruth Matthes, to wish her a Happy Belated 11th Birthday (her birthday is May 23, the day after Robin's; his other goddaughter, Ashante Jana Sawyer, also 11, was born just two months earlier). If you ever want to blow a tween's mind, call her from halfway around the World out of the blue to wish her Happy Birthday. Works like a charm!
So ends the first low key, itinerary-free day of the VacAsian. Tomorrow is a BIG day, GIANT really.
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