Sunday, May 18, 2008

VacAsian Day Fourteen (Friday, 16 May, Singapore)

Yes, Virginia! There really ARE pink dolphins!

We were up really early this morning because we had plans to swim with the rare Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, which are born gray, but turn pink as they mature. We taxied over to Sentosa Island, a tourist and resort hotspot just off the main island of Singapore, and were dropped off at Dolphin Lagoon, home of the pink dolphins. Over the course of an hour, we painted and swam with and were serenaded by a total of five pink dolphins of varying ages. We laughed and giggled like five year olds and the pictures tell it all. It was like nothing we've ever done before and we doubt anything could match it!

As you might guess, wearing a life jacket and bobbing in the water like a couple of meat corks while a handful of the most beautiful and gentle creatures on the planet swim around you is hard work. The solution? Spa time. We checked in at Spa Botanica, only a few steps away from Dolphin Lagoon, had a delicious lunch, and indulged in separate three hour spa treatments, including all manner of scrubs and rubs and wraps and baths and showers. Then we reemerged in to the oppressive, death grip-like humidity of Singapore and instantaneously undid everything our friends at Spa Botanica had done over the preceding three hours.

We enjoyed a picturesque cable car ride from Sentosa up to Mount Faber on the main island, overlooking the Central Business District of Singapore, and back down before returning to the hotel. Dinner was Persian food at Shiraz in Clarke Quay, followed by a little shopping (imagine that) in the "weekend market" set up in Clarke Quay, before we packed it in and called it a night.

Tomorrow, Bangkok. (Thailand, that is.)


  1. Ha-ha "Pink dolphin" THAT IS WHAT SHE SAID!!!! YES!!!!

  2. Love the blog and all the pictures. Can't wait to see the ones from the zip-line. We miss you back here in boring Kennett Square where it is cool and rainy. Don't worry about your baby bamboo - it is doing well.
