Friday, May 16, 2008

Why Have HueBin Withholding The Photos From Us? (or Have HueBin Playing A Cruel Trick On Us?)

OK, let's clear the air here.

There may be some of you operating under the cynical impression that this whole "HueBin VacAsian" deal is a hoax, a clever ruse designed to deceive everyone - and, most importantly, avoid working - for 30 days, simply because we have not posted a link to our pictures. While we must agree that if "illusionist" David Blaine played hookey for a month, he would likely do so on as grand a scale as this, we can assure you that we really are touring five countries in Asia for the entire month. Beyond the handful of photos we have included in the this blog, there are a few reasons we have not posted a link to more of our digital snapshots.

First, Robin has a very sophisticated, professional Canon digital camera that takes incredible photos. It also produces ridiculously large files that take forever to upload. (This, of course, begs the question why the photos from Huey's much less sophisticated Kodak Instamatic pocket camera - complete with "exploding" flash bulb - have not been made available, but that's a story for another time.) Second, Robin HAS uploaded many of the photos we have taken to date, but every time Huey goes to update the blog, he forgets to include said link. (For the English majors and other literary aficionados reading this, yes, Huey has become rather astute at referring to himself in the third person.) Third... we really don't have a third... so without further adieu, HERE IS THE LINK:

1 comment:

  1. OK, I have to admit that I didn't look at ALL of the photos, but of the 234 that I viewed I saw none of Robin and Huey. And I hear there are pink dolphins in Galveston.
